Graphic Design


Graphic Design

Infographic Design

Infographic, Print Media

Healthy Eating Starts at Home

Community Centre Infographic

This 17.5 x 20.5 infographic details 5 ways parents + caregivers can set their children up for success when it comes to healthy eating. I chose a primary colour palette for a simple, high contrast look and feel with three different graph styles on display. While the information is dense, the numbers are large to anchor each paragraph, allowing the reader’s eye to travel from top to bottom.

All illustrative elements are my own original drawings. Information has been collected from reputable online sources including Canada’s Food Guide, the Ellyn Satter Institute and the Journal of Nutrition Education + Behaviour.

OBJECTIVE: to design an infographic to be displayed at a local community centre that would be relevant to visitors, encouraging them to take action on a subject of my choice.

TARGET AUDIENCE: adults with young families; adults seeking advice on child health-related topics.

TONE: friendly, informal, educational. 

PROGRAMS USED: Adobe Illustrator.